The "I Can Do It!" Daily Checklist/ Exercise Bundle is a great way to provide structure in a child's daily responsibility and exercise routine! Creating good healthy habits takes time and multiple reminders. A visual chart and little incentive can be just what a child needs to motivate and reinforce positive behaviors.
This Bundle Features:
- Chart holds up to 15 tasks
- 35 different daily activity and 15 exercise tasks with colorful pictures to correspond with the task making easy to understand what is expected
- 18 Fun durable stars kids love to earn
- 5 Blank stickers in case you need to create one of your own
- Dry erasable Chart and Dry Erase Marker and clip so you can adapt the chart to your own needs ex. Morning, Afternoon, Evening Routine...Behaviors, Chores, Exercise Routine
"I Can Do It" My Daily Checklist
*One Chart with Magnetic Strips and Hang tabs
*Dry Erase Marker and Clip
*Easy to use instructions
*18 Reusable Plastic Stars
*35 Plastic Squares with colorful task stickers
Tasks include: Get Up on Time, Water the Plants, Wash Your Face , Eat Your Veggies, Put Your Things Away, Take a Shower. Take Your Medicine or Vitamin, Put on Your Shoes and Coat, Set the Table, Get to School on Time, Reading Time, Practice, Put on Your PJ’s, Pack Your Lunch, Pack Your Backpack, Nap Time, Clean Your Mess, Make Your Bed, Lay Out Your Clothes, Brush Your Hair and Teeth, Go Potty, Get Dressed, Free Time, Take Care of the Pets, Exercise, Eat Lunch, Eat Dinner, Eat Breakfast, Do Your Homework , Help With the Dishes, Put Dirty Clothes in the Hamper, Clear the Table, Clean Your Room, Brush and Floss, Go to Bed on Time, 5 blank labels
Exercise Supplemental Pack
*15 Plastic Squares with colorful task stickers
Tasks include: Arm Circles, Crab Walk, Dance, Downward Dog, Jump in Place, Toe Touches, Balance One Foot, Lunges, Jumping Jacks, Squats, Run/Walk, Wall Sit, Skip, Sit Ups, Push Ups